Natch tips for a powerful and healthy 2024

Be good to yourself, celebrate your daily routines!

Every new year offers a good opportunity to focus on yourself, to clearly focus on your goals, wishes and dreams.

It's so easy to recharge yourself positively every day with small steps and healthy routines! Does the word "routine" make you feel uneasy? Well you should know that routines can help you to collect yourself and energise you for the day. You can really celebrate them!

Our Natch editorial team has tips for you that are guaranteed to make 2024 a powerful year:

Love your routine!

Celebrate every day from the moment you wake up!

Wake up, get up - The first thing most of us do is brush our teeth, but ofter we rush and don't clean them properly.
But the more you take time for yourself, enjoy your me-time in the morning and turn your dental care into a meditative routine, the greater your strength for a successful day! Just get started and don't think too much and try to be positive and aware from the very first second. Don't forget to do one thing at a time. Multitasking is not good for you.


Enjoy your me-time

Start with a stretch or a short yoga session: gather yourself, feel yourself, gently awaken your body. Your mental upgrade for the day begins immediately and you can feel your body and mind slowly waking up. This is your very special me-time! A little tip for a 10-minute yoga session:
Wake Up Yoga | Best 10 Min Full Body Morning Yoga Practice

Finish with a short meditation. The Insight Timer app has a number of free sessions for you here: e.g. "Your Energy Creates Your Reality" by Stuart Sandeman 

Celebrate oral care

You can start with oral hygiene straight after this.
Firstly, a 5-10 minute oil-pulling session will help you to detoxify and strengthen your immune system. You can consciously feel, taste and direct your thoughts inwards. This ritual is very effective and also supports the oral microbiome.
Coconut or sesame oil is perfect for this.
Caution: Please do not spit the oil into your sink, but instead into a rubbish bin so that the toxins do not end up in the waste water.

Next step: Perfect dental care with Natch.

Our apothecary bottles are a visual highlight in your bathroom. Perhaps you could create a little shrine for them, with a candle, scented oil, flowers...
You take a tab and start to chew consciously, experiencing the flavour. After a few seconds of chewing, preferably with your front teeth, the tab turns into a creamy paste. Then start brushing with your favourite toothbrush. You feel how it slowly forms, how the active ingredients clean and care for your teeth and make them feel wonderfully smooth. You taste the healthy ingredients and experience the wonderful feeling of effective dental and oral care.

Love your teeth!

Use the time you spend brushing your teeth for several minutes as a little meditation. During brushing, look inwards again, enjoy the feeling and taste experience and focus your thoughts on the moment in a relaxed way.

Love your teeth! Concentrate on your oral hygiene and don't let anything distract you. Brush from left to right in a relaxed manner. Dental hygiene is your first mini-mediation of the day. And you don't need to use water to do this - there's no need to rinse! The longer our healthy active ingredients - especially calcium hydroxyapatite, as it supports the remineralisation of tooth enamel - remain on your teeth, the better. You save water and do something directly good for our environment.

By the way - you can of course also use our tabs with an electric toothbrush.

Intention for the day!

To round off your morning ritual, set yourself a powerful intention for the day. Then consciously breathe in and out 5 times, counting to 5 each time. This opens the mind and allows thoughts to flow. This is a wonderful way to find your first focus for the new day.

Set yourself a daily intention that guides you - preferably handwritten.
For example, you can write your sentence of the day on a card: if you look at it regularly, this sentence will guide your subconscious - like a little mantra - and influence your feelings and actions.
It helps you to stay focussed.

Here are some examples:

"I am open to new developments."

"I give love and kindness to those around me."

"I enjoy every moment of the day."

Eat and drink well!

You are what you eat!
We all want to stay healthy and energised.
According to numerous studies, a vegan diet can help you do this very effectively while protecting animals and our environment.

Take a look at the exciting Netflix documentary series:
"You are what you eat. A twin experiment."

The perfect morning can start like this: enjoy your coffee with frothed oat milk (cow's milk is a thing of the past, everyone knows Oatly Barista oat milk by now) or a green tea. This will wake you up and clear your mind. Muesli, fruit and a high-fibre diet will then give you strength for the day's tasks.



A tip for the evening!

Take a nice notebook and write down three things, events, thoughts or highlights every evening that were good for you that day. These can be small encounters, conversations, delicious food or even successes.

All these little tips will enrich your life.

You will notice that these routines balance you out and allow you to start the day in a relaxed and positive way.

And you'll be just as good to yourself as you are to others.

Let's get going!

We wish you lots of inspiration and strength for 2024!

Yours, Norbert and Heber